A. D. Winans

A. D. Winans was born in San Francisco and graduated from San
Francisco University. He is the author of 45 books and chapbooks of
poetry and prose, including North Beach Poems, The Holy Grail: The
Charles Bukowski Second Coming Revolution, North Beach Revisited,
This Land Is Not My Land
, and The Wrong Side of Town. For seventeen
years, he edited Second Coming Magazine/Press and from 1975–1980 he
worked for the San Francisco Arts Commission. In 2006 he was awarded
the PEN Josephine Miles Award for Literary Excellence; and in 2007 Presa
released The Other Side of Broadway: Selected Poems 1965–2005, with a
foreword by Jack Hirschman. His latest book, No Room For Buddha, is
forthcoming from Polymer Press.

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