Connie Jordan Green

Connie Jordan Green lives on a farm in Loudon County where, when she
isn’t gardening, she writes in a small attic study. She is the author of two
novels for young people (The War at Home and Emmy), both recently reissued
in soft cover by Tellico Books, an imprint of Iris Publishing, and a
book of poetry, Slow Children Playing, from Finishing Line Press. Her
poetry has appeared in numerous journals and publications, including
Appalachian Heritage, Confrontation, Cumberland Poetry Review, Iowa
Woman, Now & Then, and anthologies Some Say Tomato; Voices from
the Valley; All Around Us: Poems from the Valley; A Tennessee Landscape,
People, and Places; Homeworks; Breathing the Same Air; To Love One
Another; Literary Lunch; and Low Explosions. In addition, since 1978 she
has written a weekly newspaper column for The Loudon County News
Herald. She teaches creative writing and other subjects related to literature
for Oak Ridge Institute of Continued Learning.
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