Lee Ann Brown

Black is the Color

Yellow is the color of my true love’s crossbow
Yellow like the color of the sun

Black is the color of a strangled rainbow
Exactly the Color of my love

                                      — Elvis Perkins

Black is the color of my true love’s Arrows
Black is the color of the cat
Black is the color of the nighttime mountains
Black is the color of the heavy stuff

Black is the color of
           the ribbon snake
                         hanging over the
           lip of the face jug

Black is the color of outside my window

Inky lumen
           in grey silkier modes

Black is the pattern on
the woven snake’s back,

           black eye gleaming
sliding coolly
           into night’s ear

Inky muffled trees

                         shadow bloom
           punctuated by tiny
                         silver lights

Blue Black Bear Paw

Exactly the color of my blood

Black iris of my eye widening